Shield Of Virtue 135/204

Name: Shield Of Virtue
Set: The First Chapter
Card Type: Item
Rarity: Uncommon
Ink Cost: 1
Inkwell: Yes
Ink Color: Ruby

Classification: Item

Shield of Virtue is an Uncommon Item card in the Disney Lorcana trading card game. It is a powerful card that can be used to protect your characters from damage and give them an advantage in battle.

Shield of Virtue 135/204 Card Overview

Shield of Virtue has the following cost and effect:

  • Cost: 1 Ink
  • Effect: Equipped character gains +2 Armor.

This means that you can equip a chosen character with Shield of Virtue to give them +2 Armor. Armor is a type of protection that reduces the amount of damage that a character takes.

Shield of Virtue 135/204 Card Strategies

Shield of Virtue can be used in a variety of different decks. However, it is especially well-suited for decks that focus on controlling the board or protecting their characters.

One popular strategy is to use Shield of Virtue in conjunction with other cards that can also protect your characters, such as Cinderella’s Glass Slippers or Sleeping Beauty’s Spindle. This can create a very powerful combination that can make your characters very difficult to defeat.

Another popular strategy is to use Shield of Virtue to equip a powerful character, such as Captain America or Thor. This can give them a significant advantage in battle and make them very difficult for your opponent to defeat.


Shield of Virtue is a powerful card that can be used in a variety of different decks. It is especially well-suited for decks that focus on controlling the board or protecting their characters. If you are looking for a powerful and versatile card to add to your Disney Lorcana deck, Shield of Virtue is a great option.

Additional Tips

  • Shield of Virtue can also be equipped to your opponent’s characters. This can be useful if you need to disrupt their strategy or if you need to trigger an ability that is activated when a character is equipped with an item.
  • Shield of Virtue can also be equipped to characters that have the Evasive keyword. This is because Shield of Virtue does not require you to challenge the character before equipping them.

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