Aurora Dreaming Guardian 139/204

Name: Aurora
Version: Dreaming Guardian
Set: The First Chapter
Card Type: Character
Rarity: Super Rare
Ink Cost: 5
Inkwell: Yes
Strength: 3
Willpower: 5
Ink Color: Sapphire

Classification: Floodborn + Hero + Princess

Aurora Dreaming Guardian 139/204 is a Super Rare Character card in the Disney Lorcana trading card game. She is a powerful card that can be used to protect your characters and give them a boost in power.

Aurora Dreaming Guardian 139/204 Card Overview

Aurora Dreaming Guardian 139/204 has the following cost, stats, and effect:

  • Cost: 5
  • Power: 3
  • Defense: 5
  • Keyword: Evasive
  • Ability: [Protective Embrace] Shift 3 (You may pay 3 Ink to play this on top of one of your characters named Aurora.) Your other characters gain Ward. (Opponents can’t choose them except to challenge.)

This means that Aurora Dreaming Guardian 139/204 is a 5-cost character with 3 Power and 5 Defense. She also has the Evasive keyword, which means that she can only be challenged by characters with the Evasive keyword. Additionally, Aurora Dreaming Guardian 139/204 has the following ability:

[Protective Embrace] Shift 3 (You may pay 3 Ink to play this on top of one of your characters named Aurora.) Your other characters gain Ward. (Opponents can’t choose them except to challenge.)

This means that you can play Aurora Dreaming Guardian 139/204 on top of another Aurora character to give all of your other characters Ward. Ward is a keyword that prevents characters from being challenged except by characters with the Evasive keyword. This can be very useful for protecting your characters from enemy attacks.

Aurora Dreaming Guardian 139/204 Card Strategies

Aurora Dreaming Guardian 139/204 can be used in a variety of different decks. However, she is especially well-suited for decks that focus on protecting their characters.

One popular strategy is to use Aurora Dreaming Guardian 139/204 in conjunction with other cards that can protect your characters, such as Cinderella’s Glass Slippers or Sleeping Beauty’s Spindle. This can create a very powerful combination that can make it very difficult for your opponent to defeat your characters.

Another popular strategy is to use Aurora Dreaming Guardian 139/204 to give your characters a boost in power. For example, if you have a character with a lot of Power, you can play Aurora Dreaming Guardian 139/204 on top of them to give them Ward and make them even more difficult to defeat.

Aurora Dreaming Guardian 139/204 is a powerful and versatile card that can be used in a variety of different decks. She is especially well-suited for decks that focus on protecting their characters or giving their characters a boost in power. If you are looking for a powerful card to add to your Disney Lorcana deck, Aurora Dreaming Guardian 139/204 is a great option.

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