Fishbone Quill 168/204

Name: Fishbone Quill
Set: The First Chapter
Card Type: Item
Rarity: Rare
Ink Cost: 3
Inkwell: Yes
Ink Color: Sapphire

Classification: Item

Fishbone Quill is a powerful Rare Item card in the Disney Lorcana trading card game. It allows you to put any card from your hand into your inkwell facedown. This can be very useful for saving cards for later, or for disrupting your opponent’s strategy.

Card Overview

Fishbone Quill has the following cost and effect:

  • Cost: 3 Ink
  • Effect: Put any card from your hand into your inkwell facedown.

This means that you can play Fishbone Quill for 3 Ink to put any card from your hand into your inkwell facedown. This card can be any type of card, including a character, an item, or an action. Once a card is put into your inkwell facedown, it cannot be played until you use another card or ability to bring it back out.

Card Strategies

Fishbone Quill can be used in a variety of different decks and strategies. Here are a few examples:

  • Saving cards for later: Fishbone Quill can be used to save cards for later. For example, if you have a powerful character in your hand, but you don’t want to play it yet, you can use Fishbone Quill to put it into your inkwell facedown. Then, you can play it later when it is more advantageous to do so.
  • Disrupting your opponent’s strategy: Fishbone Quill can also be used to disrupt your opponent’s strategy. For example, if you know that your opponent is holding a powerful card in their hand, you can use Fishbone Quill to put that card into their inkwell facedown. This will make it more difficult for them to play that card and win the game.
  • Comboing with other cards: Fishbone Quill can also be comboed with other cards to create powerful effects. For example, if you have a card that allows you to bring a card back from your inkwell facedown, you can use Fishbone Quill to put a powerful card into your inkwell facedown and then play it later for free.


Fishbone Quill is a powerful and versatile Item card that can be used in a variety of different decks and strategies. It is a valuable addition to any Disney Lorcana collection.

Additional Strategy Tips

  • Fishbone Quill can be used to great effect against decks that rely on having a specific card in their hand to win. For example, if you are playing against a deck that uses Maleficent’s Curse (139/204), you can use Fishbone Quill to put Maleficent’s Curse into your opponent’s inkwell facedown. This will make it more difficult for them to play Maleficent’s Curse and win the game.
  • Fishbone Quill can also be used to trigger abilities that are activated when you put a card into your inkwell facedown. For example, if you have a character that gets +1 Power when you put a card into your inkwell facedown, you can play Fishbone Quill to put any card from your hand into your inkwell facedown and trigger the ability of your character.
  • Fishbone Quill can also be used to trigger abilities that are activated when you play Item cards. For example, if you have a character that gets +1 Power when you play an Item card, you can play Fishbone Quill to trigger the ability of your character.

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