Rapunzel Letting Down Her Hair 121/204

Name: Rapunzel
Version: Letting Down Her Hair
Set: The First Chapter
Card Type: Character
Rarity: Uncommon
Ink Cost: 6
Inkwell: No
Strength: 5
Willpower: 4
Ink Color: Ruby

Classification: Dreamborn + Hero + Princess

Rapunzel – Letting Down Her Hair is a Common Hero card in the Disney Lorcana: The First Chapter trading card game. It is a Yellow card that costs 4 resource points to play. Rapunzel – Letting Down Her Hair’s effect is:

When this character enters play, you may choose another character you control. If you do, give that character +1 Strength this turn.

This means that Rapunzel – Letting Down Her Hair can be used to give another character on your side of the board a boost in Strength for one turn. This can be useful for finishing off an opponent’s character, or for making one of your characters more difficult to defeat.

How to Use Rapunzel – Letting Down Her Hair Effectively

Here are a few tips for using Rapunzel – Letting Down Her Hair effectively:

  • Use her to finish off an opponent’s character. If you have a character on your side of the board that is about to attack an opponent’s character that has already been damaged, you can play Rapunzel – Letting Down Her Hair on your character to give them +1 Strength. This will increase your character’s chances of defeating the opponent’s character.
  • Use her to make one of your characters more difficult to defeat. If you have a character on your side of the board that is about to be attacked by an opponent’s character, you can play Rapunzel – Letting Down Her Hair on your character to give them +1 Strength. This will make your character more difficult to defeat.
  • Use her to combo with other cards. There are a number of cards in the game that have effects that interact with Strength. For example, some cards give bonuses to characters with high Strength, while other cards penalize characters with low Strength. If you have any of these cards in your deck, you can use them to combo with Rapunzel – Letting Down Her Hair to make her even more effective.

Overall, Rapunzel – Letting Down Her Hair is a versatile and powerful card that can be used in a variety of ways. She is a good card to have in your deck, especially if you are playing an aggressive deck that focuses on dealing damage to your opponent.

Here are some additional tips for using Rapunzel – Letting Down Her Hair effectively:

  • Use her on your most important characters. When you play Rapunzel – Letting Down Her Hair, you can choose any character on your side of the board to give +1 Strength. It is important to choose a character that will benefit the most from the extra Strength. For example, you might choose a character that has already been damaged, or a character that is about to attack a powerful opponent character.
  • Be aware of your opponent’s hand. If your opponent has a lot of cards that can deal damage to Rapunzel – Letting Down Her Hair, you may want to wait to play her until you can protect her with other characters or abilities.
  • Use Rapunzel – Letting Down Her Hair to win the game. Rapunzel – Letting Down Her Hair is a very powerful card, and she can win the game for you if you use her effectively. For example, you could play Rapunzel – Letting Down Her Hair on your hero and then attack your opponent’s hero. If your opponent does not have a way to block your hero, they will lose the game.

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